“the ultimate pick-me-up.” It is the classic dessert that everyone orders as soon as they arrive in Italy. Made with mascarpone, cocoa powder, coffee, and ladyfingers, it is a recipe as easy to make as it is to interpret. Indeed, you can find tiramisu with red fruits, without coffee, without eggs, or even with Nutella. While none of these are inedible, why deprive yourself of the original ? It’s almost impossible to mess up a tiramisu, but it’s best to stick to the traditional recipe to achieve perfection.

Recette du tiramisu maison à Rome

The real recipe for TIRAMISU :

Les ingrédients pour réaliser un délicieux tiramisu

For 6 people

  • 400g Mascarpone
  • 200g Savoiardi biscuits
  • 150g icing sugar
  • 200g dark chocolate
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 2 egg whites
  • 3 cups of long coffee
  • Bitter cocoa
  • Marsala (sweet wine, preferably Florio)

Tiramisu in 6 steps :

1. Chop the chocolate into large pieces (slightly larger than nuggets) Beat the egg whites until stiff with an electric mixer.

2. In a large bowl, combine the egg yolks and icing sugar using a wooden spoon (do not use the electric mixer). Beat the mixture until white and fluffy. Gently fold in the mascarpone and then the egg whites.

3. If you wish, you can add a teaspoon of Marsala to the mixture. Make a fairly long cup of coffee (decaffeinated, if you have a strong coffee, add more water), put it in a shallow dish and add 2 tablespoons of Marsala and a teaspoon of normal sugar.

4. Quickly dip the spoon biscuits (“Savoiardi”) in the coffee, but only on one side, so that they are not too wet. Place them in the bottom of a high-sided rectangular dish and cover with a layer of mascarpone cream mixture. Sprinkle generously with chocolate chips.

5. Make several identical layers until you have used up all the ingredients. The last layer should be made with cream.

6. Place in the fridge for at least 2 hours (ideally 24). Just before serving, sprinkle with cocoa sifted through a fine sieve and enjoy…

Time to enjoy!


Our selection of the 10 best Tiramisu in the Eternal City to try during your stay in Rome!

  1. Pompi
  2. ZUM Roma
  3. Asino d’Oro
  4. Antico Caffè Greco
  5. Cantina e cucina
  6. Two Sizes
  7. MiTiroSù
  8. Caffè Propaganda
  9. Restaurant le San Lorenzo
  10. And of course our own, but the address will remain a secret !

You can also try some delicious Tiramisu during you stay in Rome on the theme of “Ancient Rome and Italian Traditional Cuisine or take part in our Street Food” Activity.